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Doctor Who: The 60th Specials + The Church on Ruby Road


Russell T Davies is finally back writing for my favourite show and for the first time in 15 years, we see David Tennant and Catherine Tate back together again! I had been looking forward to these specials for so long and now they are here at last. I am a massive fan of the show, but I must admit my enthusiasm has diminished since Matt Smith's departure in 2014. But I think bringing back David Tennant was such a smart move by the BBC, reigniting the excitement for the series, while setting up the arrival of the 15th Doctor played by Ncuti Gatwa. Sure, these specials weren't on the scale of the 50th Anniversary's multi-doctor story, but it's still 3 fantastically written episodes with one of the best actors to portray the role. What's not to love?

The Star Beast

Based on the comic strip by the same name, The Star Beast was a great reintroduction for both David Tennant and Catherine Tate. The effects have gotten a massive upgrade since Disney got involved. They all look incredible. I love that they've tried to go practical when they can but used CGI to complement the practical effects rather than replace them, this helps the Meep feel more alive than any alien before. It wasn't what I was expecting but, it turned out to be the episode we desperately needed to start the ball rolling for the 14th Doctor's Adventures.

Wild Blue Yonder

Wild Blue Yonder is everything I missed about the earlier seasons of Doctor Who. It's good to see the chemistry between the two actors is just as strong as ever; they are exceptional together. The mystery surrounding this episode was great, as was the sense of danger. It reminded me of episodes like Midnight & Silence in the Library. The reveal of the Not Things (yes, that's really what they're called) was fantastic and caught me off guard on my first watch. Some of the special effects weren't great, but the actors' reactions sell it for me this wouldn't have been nearly as good without them. This might be my favourite out of the specials perhaps because it feels the most familiar. Watching it was like being taken back in time to when I was a kid reading Doctor Who Magazines, collecting the cards and eagerly awaiting the Doctor's latest adventure.

The Giggle

Spoilers for this one!

I love Neil Patrick Harris as the Toymaker. Perfect casting for this role, he nailed it! Every scene he was in was a joy to watch. However, the Bi-regeneration did feel like a bit of a cop-out to me, especially considering how devastating the 10th Doctor's regeneration was I would've loved to see the 14th accept his time has come and pass the torch over to Ncuti Gatwa finally ready to let go once and for all. Instead, what we got was a little anti-climatic in my opinion. The little we did see of the 15th Doctor in this episode I loved but would it have killed him to put some trousers on?

The Church on Ruby Road

Ncuti Gatwa's first full episode and the first Christmas Special in 5 years! After watching it's undeniable that Ncuti is incredible as the Doctor and brings so much energy to the role. Listening to him explain the language of rope on the goblin ship was complete nonsense. However, you go along with it regardless because of how charismatic he is. Yes, this episode was a little over the top and silly, but considering this was a Christmas special I think it's appropriate to have a more light-hearted story and while I'd normally be rolling my eyes at a musical number in a show like this, I have to admit this one was pretty fun. I wouldn't want this in every episode (to be honest, I'm hoping this is a one-time thing) but I think it's a fun idea for a festive episode.

Overall, I loved these Specials and am beyond excited for this show to return in May. Personally, I'd love to see the 15th face off against one of the fan-favourite enemies like the Daleks or the Cybermen, but only time will tell.


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